GPS-Trace - a platform primarily focused on the real user.
The development of the platform is impossible without the opinions of users and partners. We started a long time ago, and one of the main drivers of our success to this day remains communication with users and partners and understanding their main problems.
So, after a short lyrical digression, let's move on to the main topic.
By providing support for our product, we know very well what ordinary users face. They want better service, rather than just a set of guides, instructions, and articles from the developer. Who can offer monitoring services in every corner of the world?
Of course, business partners.
So, today we will talk about:
- What is a GPS tracking business, and who is a GPS-Trace partner?
- Can everything be made simpler, and what is needed for this?
- And, of course, how to make money from it?
But, let's go over everything in order.
Who is a GPS-Trace Partner?

Our partners are companies around the world that are interested in providing GPS tracking services for personal users and small businesses.
So what is a GPS tracking service and what does it consist of:
- Selling GPS trackers and other devices for tracking position and telemetry
Here we offer a huge selection of various trackers.
Over 2000+ different models of devices from manufacturers around the world.
This allows our partners to remain flexible in choosing tracker suppliers, as well as provides a large field for developing their own service.
- Installing trackers and additional equipment in various vehicles
One of the most important stages of providing service is the correct installation of the tracker in the vehicle. Connecting the tracker to power, placing it in the cabin for accurate operation, connecting various relays and sensors, and much more. This is what our partners do every day and are professionals in this.
This stage ensures real protection of the vehicle from various malicious acts and guarantees protection against theft.
- Setting up all GPS equipment to work correctly with our platform and applications
An important aspect of a large choice of devices is the ability to work with these devices. Settings for data sending frequency, various alerts and events, IP, ports, and much more - this not only requires some technical knowledge, but also ensures that the device does not fail at the most crucial moment.
- Providing SIM cards and setting up their correct operation in conjunction with GPS trackers
Uninterrupted internet connection and connectivity in general, as much now in the world of property security and IoT is related to this. This really is one of the most expensive and complex issues. Our partners solve this problem by working with various providers, selecting the best ones, optimizing traffic consumption to provide the best uninterrupted service.
- Setting up GPS-Trace applications and additional software to expand the capabilities of users
The market is now saturated with various software offerings for GPS tracking. Wialon, GPS-Server, GPS-Gate, Navixy, Geotab and many others - undoubtedly have many advantages, huge "heavy" functionality, endless reports, integrations and of course possibilities. Yes, such an approach is certainly good and covers most of the requests of medium and large businesses. GPS-Trace, however, is here to meet the needs of ordinary people and small businesses. A simple and understandable interface, reports and functionality - this is something you don't need to learn, to understand. You just enter the application, see that everything is fine with your car, motorcycle, boat or child or elderly relative and continue with your own affairs.
Well, our partners can configure our applications in just a few minutes and provide clients with only the necessary functionality in the app. With us, everything is simple and fast :)
Can everything be made simpler, and what is needed for this?

Phew! It seems I've managed to explain the GPS-tracking business in 5 short points.
It seems complicated, doesn't it? But what if I tell you that everything can be made simple, as the market for personal monitoring is just at the beginning, and you can start selling services in just a few simple steps.
- Find a manufacturer and choose a tracker model, which will provide distributor contacts available on our website in the Devices section. When choosing models, it's enough to rely on the popularity of trackers in your region and on the platform in general. For this, just follow the link and use the filter by the number of units.
- Mobile trackers can be used here. They do not require direct power connection from the vehicle, but still cover most of the needs of the average user. The only feature is the need to charge these devices at a certain time interval, depending on the capacity of the built-in battery and the frequency of data transmission.
- Most trackers are configured using simple SMS commands, which are sent to the phone number of the SIM card in the tracker. Instructions for popular trackers and basic commands are also available on our website in the Devices section.
Instructions for setup can always be obtained from the distributor or directly from the manufacturer.
- Currently, there are many providers of global IoT/M2M SIM cards.
For example: Emnify, Weconnect, Things mobile, Onomondo, and others. All of them can be found by making a simple query on Google. Another simple option is to turn to mobile communication providers operating in your region, many of which already have the option of IoT/M2M SIM cards.
However, it's important to remember that SIM cards from local providers often only work within the territory of a specific country, so when crossing borders, the tracker may stop sending data.
- Creating accounts and adding vehicles and other unit types in any application on the GPS-Trace platform can be done in a few clicks. You can always contact our technical support, and we will be happy to help you solve any problem within our solutions.
You might ask if everything is so simple, and I can start, then how will I make money?

This is one of the most challenging questions in any business - sales and marketing.
In fact, you can start with quite simple things. Creating a page on social networks, placing on our partners map, local classified ads sites. All this will significantly bring you closer to your first sale.
Then, inexpensive contextual advertising (e.g., Google ADS or Meta ADS) for your city/region will also accelerate your sales. Each sale or tracker installation and application setup can be accompanied by a photo or video report, allowing you to generate free content. All this will greatly help spread word of mouth.
After the first sales, you can think about a simple website and placing on local marketplaces and business platforms. This will help expand your audience reach and ultimately lead to larger sales.
You might say that this is an amateurish approach...
And we would answer you - partly, yes. But from our experience, we can assure you that this works almost all over the world.
Yes, of course, there are many more methods and tools of marketing, but we'll discuss that another time. Or better yet, just ask AI f.e ChatGPT and its 4th model.
As for sales, from our experience, customers primarily value simplicity, affordability, and speed of solution delivery.
The most popular option will be a boxed or “all-in-one” solution, which can consist of a box with a tracker with a pre-installed SIM card and an insert with a link or QR code to activate the application.
Such solutions are primarily a bit complex to implement, however, they scale quickly and allow covering the demand of a larger number of customers.
If, in addition to simple tracking, you want to offer extended functionality and remote vehicle control, then on-site equipment installation will be necessary.
So, it's simple, how to become a partner?
Becoming a partner is also simple, just fill out the form at the link:
Fill out the 4-field form, and we will contact you at the email address you provided.
Or you can also just email us at
We will clarify a few questions about your business and provide you with basic access to the system, and also try to accompany you with everything necessary on your journey.
By becoming a partner, you will get access to the Partner Panel application.
This is a CMS tool for quickly creating client accounts and configuring units, along with flexible daily and per-unit billing and convenient built-in features for managing your clients' accounts.
Having access to the Partner Panel, you will have the opportunity to appear on the GPS-Trace partners map, where you can attract even more users and clients.
The GPS-Trace team is always ready to help its partners in implementing projects, from setting up trackers to marketing materials. Welcome aboard!